Are you moved to make masks?

I’m sure many of you have already heard the cry for making face masks during this time. Recently our local Perham Health requested additional masks be made so that they are prepared for everyone who would need to wear one.

Are you willing to make masks for Perham Health or your local hospital?  Here are a couple of links for those of us in the Perham area who would like to sew for our local hospital.

Instructions PDF

Perham Health Mask Donation Procedure

If you don’t live in the Perham area be sure to check where you live to see if there is a need. You can also find a number of places who are looking for donations online.  Simply search “face mask donations” and you will find a lot of information.

Here is how you can donate in Perham:

Perham Health Drop off procedures-

There will be a gray bin on the loading dock starting at 8am-5pm daily, Monday to Friday. People can simply drive up the ramp and put the masks inside the gray bin.

From Sue VonRuden, Perham Health: “We are extremely appreciative of (everyone) who wants to help. You’re all making a HUGE difference. Thank you.”

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